

Page history last edited by Dr. W. 5 years, 3 months ago





Summer Camp 2018 is coming soon! 

Since 2017, UTRGV Arts and More Summer Camp has provided summer programming for Cameron County youth with disabilities. Each summer has brought together young people and unique enrichment activities - core subjects enrichment, sports, arts and crafts, field trips, music, outdoor recreation, and entertainment.


UTRGV Arts and More Summer Camp is a special summer place where youth with disabilities can relax, explore, develop new skills, flex their muscles, and learn teamwork; all in a fun-filled atmosphere of support on a beautiful UTRGV Campus outdoor setting along the Rio Grande.


Arts and More Summer Camp offers 2 weeks of camp each summer which are attended by a total of 30 children and youth. The camp is overseen by the Border Spices director and staffed by graduate students and educators who are assisted by many community volunteers.


The summer camp is a non-profit, and operates through grants and other in-kind contributions from the Office of Special Education.

The UTRGV property is owned and maintained by the UTRGV personnel. The summer camp is operated by the UTRGV College of Education and other staff which is comprised of local directors -- professors, parents, and community representatives.


If you have further questions regarding this Camp or would like to volunteer, please contact Dr. Hsuying Ward, Camp Director at (956) 882-5707, ext. 4090 or hsuying.ward@utrgv.edu.


Camp Information

Camp Wish List

2016 T-Shirt Order Form

Code of Conduct

Volunteer Log

Word DocumentMedical Authorization Form


Session 1

Week 1: July 10 - July 13

Week 2: July 17 - July 20




University of Texas Rio Grande Valley - Brownsville
80 Fort Brown St
Brownsville, TX 78520
(956) 882-8200

UTRGV has campuses and off-campus research and teaching sites throughout the Rio Grande Valley including in Boca Chica Beach, Brownsville (formerly The University of Texas at Brownsville campus), Edinburg (formerly The University of Texas-Pan American campus), Harlingen, McAllen, Port Isabel, Rio Grande City, and South Padre Island. 














College of Education and P-16 Integration
Brownsville MAIN 2.200I
Phone: 956-882-5749
Phone Alt: 956-882-5707





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