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Annual Summer Camp

Page history last edited by Dr. W. 4 years, 11 months ago



"AuSome" Annual Summer Camp


Border SPICES Program offers summer camp for children with Autism as a way for our scholars to meet their supervised field experience requirement. 

In 2017, Arts and More Summer Camp for Unique Learners with Autism was held between 7-16-17 and 8-3-17 for children ages 3 to 11. 

In 2018, we will organize the Summer Camp for Unique Learners with Autism again. The camp will be between 7-9-18 and 7-20-18 for children ages 4 to 10. We will include a field trip to our new accessible community park-La Esperanza Community Park and Brownsville Public Library Main Branch. We expect to have 25 campers total. If you would like to apply to participate in the camp, please use the following link. We will accept one child per family and wait-list the sibling. 



Summer Camp for Unique Learners with Autism 2018

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